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Theory, Research and Practice

Figure 1 | Psychology of Well-Being: Theory, Research and Practice

Figure 1

From: The coaching ripple effect: The effects of developmental coaching on wellbeing across organisational networks

Figure 1

Quality of interaction and change in wellbeing in the coached neighbourhood network post coaching intervention. Measures of Psychological Wellbeing and a social network analysis of the quality of interaction were conducted across 225 members of an organisation. 20 individuals received eight, one to one coaching sessions over a 16 to 20 week period. The social network graph includes all organisation members who had a least one direct connection with an individual who had received coaching. The yellow diamond shapes represent those who were coached and the blue circles represent others in the organisation. The red lines are interactions in which the quality was rated below 3:1 positivity over negativity. The blue lines represent interactions rated 3:1 and above this threshold. The relative size of the circles and diamonds represents increase in psychological wellbeing that occurred over the intervention period. This figure shows that those observed to have increased their psychological wellbeing the most over the intervention period tend to be most closely connected to those that received coaching as measured through closeness centrality in the coachee neighbourhood network.

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